Blank Canvas
Create a clearer message,
build a better brand.
Our Thesis

It’s hard to avoid what’s easily understood.

The biggest problem your brand faces has less to do with what you do and more to do with how people perceive what you do.

Create a clearer message,
build a better brand.
We follow a three step Development Journey

Simplify the Message

Clarify the Core Message:
We Start by distilling your brand message to its simplest form. This involves identifying the fundamental values and propositions that make the brand unique. Through workshops, brainstorming sessions, and market research we peel back the layers of complexity and find the essence of your brand.

Use Plain Language:
Once the core message is clarified, we ensure it’s communicated in a way that’s easily understood by the target audience. We avoid jargon, complex terminology, and convoluted explanations. The goal is to make the brand’s message accessible and relatable to as many people as possible.

Amplify Visually

Design with Purpose:
We create visual identities that are clean, memorable, and easily recognizable. This includes logos, color schemes, and typography that reflect the brand’s core message in a visually appealing way. Our designs are versatile enough to work across various mediums, from digital platforms to physical packaging.

Visual Storytelling:
We utilize the power of images, videos, and graphics to tell the brand’s story in an engaging manner. Visuals are processed quicker by the brain and make complex ideas more accessible. We design creative content that captures attention while reinforcing the simplicity and universality of the brand’s message.

Engage Authentically

Consistent Brand Voice:
We develop brand voices that embody simplicity and clarity in every communication. We ensure that your voice is consistent across all platforms, from social media to official press releases, making what you do easily identifiable and relatable.

Interactive Experiences:
We create opportunities for the your audience to engage with the brand in meaningful ways. This is through interactive websites, social media conversation, or community involvement. We foster a sense of participation and belonging among your audience, making the brand’s message unavoidable because it resonates on a personal level.

Don't take our word for it

Here's how we work with you

Strategic Brand Development
Digital Presence Development
Creative Content Production & Management
Curious for more?

Set up a call today to discover how we can partner with you.

Blank Canvas Creative Co ⚬ Atlanta, USA ⚬ Zürich, Switzerland