Commercial Coffee Shop


  • Brand Development
  • Custom Typology
  • Content Creation
  • Strategy
  • Story Consultancy

Specialty coffee with a playful twist.

At Blank Canvas, we’ve crafted a brand for Commercial that encapsulates the essence of specialty coffee with a playful edge. This coffee shop stands out with its vibrant atmosphere and expertly crafted filter, designed to offer an extraordinary coffee experience. We’ve focused on developing a distinctive identity that invites coffee lovers to enjoy both the quality and the culture of specialty, commercially.

Color Pallette

This color palette marries deep charcoal with muted silver-gray, highlighted by a vibrant sunflower yellow. This combination exudes a sophisticated urban vibe, with the striking yellow adding a burst of energy and visual interest, perfect for designs that aim to stand out yet retain a sense of elegance and modernity.



Dim Grey


Raisin Black


What We Delivered

We provided a comprehensive branding solution tailored to project a unique visual identity, using a striking color scheme of charcoal, silver-gray, and vibrant yellow. The package included logo design, marketing materials, and digital assets, ensuring a cohesive and eye-catching presence both online and offline.